Hello Flower lovers, welcome!
At Barrhill Blooms our motto is for flower lovers everywhere - and it's true, near or far I just adore spreading my love for flowers to everyone whether that's through seeds, creating bouquets of flowers, or sharing all my knowledge of how to grow (flowers) through my Notes From The Garden or Instagram.
Barrhill Blooms started as a boutique flower seed merchant, that very naturally, and quickly grew into establishing a micro flower farm too. The pair went hand in hand and we relish the natural harmonious relationship between being a seed merchant and grower of beautiful flowers.
The origins of Barrhill Blooms

I’m Kate, originally from Yorkshire (England), I'm now lucky enough to live in a unique little place called Barrhill (South Island, NZ) looking out to the majestic Southern Alps on some of the most deliciously fertile dirt you can find - I'm lucky enough to share this slice of paradise with my partner, twin daughters and two crazy border collies.
For as long as I can remember I have always loved plants and flowers, I studied physical geography at university and have led a lifetime intertwined with a deep curiosity and love of the natural world. My houses have always been adorned with fresh bunches of seasonal blooms and overflowing with house plants. When we moved into our forever home my super green fingers have naturally made their way out into the garden and this is what has brought us here - to Barrhill Blooms.
I yearned to grow an abundance of flowers, so I bring bunches into our home or make bouquets for friends. I felt frustrated I couldn't find the seeds I wanted, or the flowers I was so familiar with that I could so freely and easily source in my native country was not available here in New Zealand. For the past 2 years I have had a wonderfully successful seed shop – however in September 2024 I made the difficult decision to close the seed retail side of Barrhill Blooms. But why? It was a bittersweet choice, I’m a Mum to 5 year old twins and also work full time (as a Flight attendant) – and in the end I didn’t have a single spare moment in the day between juggling everything that in the end prioritising family always wins. I still grow flower abundantly – even more so! And my love of creating and experimenting has found a whole new lease of life now I have the time to truly re-indulge in the passion that brought me here in the 1st place. Watch this space as I transform Barrhill Blooms into a source of inspiration, knowledge and beauty.
But I’ll end it here with my biggest tip of all, whether you're gardening in your mismatch pyjamas or seeking some solace, flowers will never judge. So go ahead give it your best and grow all the beauties you can.
Happy growing - Kate xx