Argentine Forget Me Not
Argentine forget me not seeds - delicate white flowers, a beautiful wispy delicate filler.
Omphalodes linifolia
Approx 25 seeds
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Lets talk about them
A slender, branching Forget-me-not type flower, with narrow grey-green foliage and masses of petite white flowers. The most perfect wispy airy accent.
How to make these beauties grow
Sow: 6-8 weeks before the last frost. Mid spring.
How: 6mm deep. Direct sow as forget me not dislikes root disturbance. Soil blocking perfect alternative to direct sowing.
Space: 30cm
Height: 35-45cm
Where: Sun
Days to Maturity: 110-120 Days
Pick: When 1/4 of the flowers are open. Sear the ends in boiling water for 20 seconds.
Notes From The Garden
Will self-seed easily - dead head regularly if you do not want these naturalise in your garden
Photo: Stocks and Green